#TheGreatEscape #Interrail #Europetravel #TravelPlans #Germany #Netherlands #France #Italy #Austria #CzechRepublic #Poland
Hej Hello!
Wednesday mid day, Yes, Yes I know, once a week I said, my bad but hey! I make the rules, It's me writing after all. In my defence, I've been sick. Any whoooo, let's get back to the travel, that's what you're all here for anyway.
So, the travel plans for the summer of 2024 is fairly simple. I'll give you a treat I'll throw in the dates I'm traveling too! Our journey will begin in the humble city of Luleå (Where I happen to live), on a hopefully sunny day of late June. First a flight, to Stockholm simple as that and from there the real ride starts. "Off to Amsterdam!" - Napoleon or something. No? Alright well I said it cause that's our first stop. July 1, that's when we being. First day of the month happening on a monday as well as our journey? Almost poetic. either way, Amsterdam, Meet up with a friend, go and "Windowshop" at a certain district (Just looking around don't worry). So the initial goal and mindset was a friend meetup and to watch the beautiful flower fields. Now, some of you who knows anything about flowers or Tulips specifically know that they only bloom in May which funny enough is 2 months before I leave for Amsterdam, Whoops. Well, What more does Amsterdam offer me besides a little friend meetup? The simple answer is the scenery. Now I might not see the tulip fields in full blossom but hey I get to see the nature around it and the old beautiful windmills. I'm a massive nerd for taking pictures and taking pictures of architecture and nature, dream come true, so expect tons of photos on here later!
Shuu shuu (train horn) second stop coming up! or well this is wrong should be tuu tuu (Regular vehicle horn) cause it's bus time! departure from Amsterdam to Vive la France! Paris here we come! Now I know Paris? really? Cliché right? City of love, Well one Issue I'm traveling with my brother, Sucks to suck I guess. Anywho! Plans, Freshly baked Croissants in the morning with a long walk in the morning looking around at the architecture (and one and another picture), ending up at the Eiffel tower around lunchtime, taking a trip to the top and scout for some local resturants (that's not a tourist trap). Sadly no meetups here but don't be discouraged! Paris is full of folks, so should be no problems then! Meet the world!
Shuuu shuu! now an actual train horn! Destination Innsbrück! But it doesn't end there this is just a smooth transfer over to a you guessed it a bus! going straight to Verona Italy! Kind of Ironic isn't it, Paris is suppose to be the city of love but you know what was written here and what I'd say this city is most famous for? Romeo and Juliet, and the famous balcony discripted in the plays is also located here which is going to be amazing to see. The small alleyways throughout the city, the genuine heart of a place and the folks inhabiting it. Regardless of where I am I'm going to try and make atleast one new friend in each city! In connection to the Verona visit I'm going to make a day trip over to Venice, It's a short bus ride of around 1,5 hours one-way but who can say no to that with the wonderful canals and the very narrow streets around the city. Beautiful! Again, expect pictures!
Third destination! Where can it be! if you've guessed correctly you would of said Vienna! The Capital of Austria, Congratulations if you guessed Vienna you get a point if you suggested Austria half a point. Now what can one see in the city of Vienna, I personally gonna take a look at old memoribilia from world war 2 as well as take a little run at the night life in the area. Besides that, I'm interested in the architecture, the common thread throughout this whole journey. Forgot to mention that throughout this blog but the dates are not certain, especially the amount of days we're staying at each place.
Fourth Destination. Prague, Now Prague is a city perfect for me, (and every other beer lover out there) Prague the City of beer (for me atleast) one of the cheapest places in the world to get a good meal and some beer at a pub, All on tap too! Now prague has tons of beautiful history and things to see, such as the town square and the towers of Prague. Now back to the beer, or rather the nightlife I'd say. What I'm hoping to do in Prague is again meet more people, I wanna see what there is to experience the people and the food. Get a tap beer in Czech for a solid 2€ and life is pretty great.
Fifth destination or four and a half? maybe? Now this is a spot I've always wanted to go to, cause I strongly believe it should never be forgotten, so during this travel day on the way to our fifth destination I'm going to Visit Auschwitz on a day trip inbetween trains. I got around 7 hours to get a tour and make sure history lives on. after that our trip continues over to Warsaw to spend a few days there. Warsaw is again another beer and cheap food country but I'm really looking forward to meeting some polish people. Really trying to take in the whole experience here.
Sixth and last stop before leaving for home, the wonderful city of Berlin. Now I just have to, I'm really looking to get some culture in here and see some Museums and cultural landmarks across the city. Really need to refine my german for this, but that's a later issue, Studying on the train? hmm, Maybe we'll see! what more do we get to see, hmm Not sure actually. I know I will get some food atleast actually tons of food!
And now for the last train ride of the Journey, a 33 Hour "adventure" from Berlin to Luleå. And That's Where my Journey ends for This time, I'll make sure This is a reoccuring thing since I'm not gonna give up in living my best life. So for this, I'll say happy mid week and thanks for reading I'll be back later with a more detailed plan about each city. Don't miss my next post by subscribing!